Daniel Radcliffe is mourning Dame Maggie Smith. The Harry Potter star, who acted alongside the two-time Oscar winner in seven installments of the wizarding series as well as...
Toronto, Atlanta (24/10 – 10) Not too long ago, “Halloween”, a contraction of the Christian holiday known as “All Hallows’ Eve,” was a time...
Vienna, Brussels (26/9 – 36) David McCallum – the British actor who played as Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, a pathologist on hit CBS TV program...
José María López, has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for sexually assaulting fellow Big Brother contestant Carlota Prado. Carlota Prado shook her head...
Spain’s anti-violence commission has proposed a fine of €4,000 and a 12-month ban from football stadiums for a fan who racially...