Home » North Delta Crime Beat: Rental ‘property Manager’ Resides in Spain
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North Delta Crime Beat: Rental ‘property Manager’ Resides in Spain

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest

October 11, PSB 11375 84th Avenue:  Complainant reported, they received multiple phone calls from a male, pretending to work for the bank fraud section.  The complainant had reported a recent fraud and believed the call to be legitimate. The caller instructed the complainant to purchase $1,600 in gift cards to which the complainant complied before they realized the situation was fraudulent. The bank has been informed of the fraud and is working to secure bank accounts.

October 13, PSB 11375 84th Avenue:  Complainant reported, they were being extorted by an unidentified suspect on Instagram.  The complainant had met a person on Instagram, who asked them to send revealing photographs in exchange for their revealing images.  The complainant complied, and immediately received a request for $2,500 or the images would be sent to friends and family. The complainant advised, they had already sent $700 to the unknown suspect.  As there appeared to be no avenue for investigation, the complainant was advised to block the suspect, and not send any further funds.

October 13 PSB 11375 84th Avenue:  Complainant informed police of a fraudulent listing on “rentals.ca”. The complainant was put in touch, through email, to a person in Spain who indicated they were the property manager who was renting the condo. The complainant then went to the condo and spoke to the homeowner who indicated they were unaware their property had been listed as a rental. Police contacted “rentals.ca” to ensure the listing is taken down. No loss of funds. 

October 14, 11800 Block of 88th Avenue:  The property manager reported a break in of mailboxes in two mail rooms.  It is unknown how the suspect entered the building, as exterior doors to the buildings did not have any damage.  Nothing seems to have been stolen from the mailboxes. Surveillance video captured the image of the suspect, which will be disseminated for possible identification. 

October 15, 9200 Block of 119th Street:  Complainant reported, the theft of their in-laws black, 2019, F-350 truck. The truck was parked in the driveway while the in-law was out of town.  All keys were accounted for. The vehicle was added to the Canadian Police Information Centre as stolen. 

October 15, PSB 11375 84th Avenue:  Complainant indicated, they had received an email from their employer that they needed ten, $100 gift cards, for employees.  The complainant picked up the gift cards and sent the numbers back over the email before they realized the situation to be fraudulent.  The complainant no longer has the original emails and nothing else for the police to investigate. Bank to be informed for a possible follow-up.

Source: Delta Optimist
