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High-level Moroccan delegation attends international forum on rapprochement of cultures and civilizations

MOROCCO, April 3 – Morocco took part, on March 29 and 30 in Seville, in the International Forum on the rapprochement of cultures and human civilizations, held by the Foundation of the Three Cultures.

Chaired by André Azoulay, Advisor to HM the King and co-president of the Three Cultures Foundation, the Moroccan delegation included members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, the Secretary General of the Department of Culture, Abdelilah Afifi, who represented the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, and the Consul General of the Kingdom in Seville.

The meeting, which also brought together several Spanish and foreign personalities, including the co-president of the Foundation, Antonio Sanz Cabello and the Director General of the Foundation, Concha de Santa Ana, was marked by the awarding of the Mediterranean Prize and a collective break of the fast under the sign “Ramadan and cultures”.

Speaking on this occasion, Azoulay praised the efforts made by the Foundation at the levels of the historic city of Seville and the Mediterranean region to uphold the values of peace and coexistence between different cultures and human civilizations.

For his part, Afifi highlighted the efforts made by the Kingdom, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, in promoting the values of peace and tolerance between religions and cultures, referring, in this sense, to the historic visit of Pope Francis to Morocco in 2019 and the holding, in 2022 in Fez, of the 9th United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Global Forum.

He also highlighted the model of coexistence of the three monotheistic religions in Morocco, hailed internationally and based on full respect and consideration between the followers of these religions, welcoming the role of the Foundation of the Three Cultures in the consolidation of dialogue, peace and tolerance among the peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

On the sidelines of this meeting, the president of the Andalusian government, Juan Manuel Moreno, chaired the ceremony of awarding the “Mediterranean Women’s Prize 2022” to Leila Mezian Benjelloun, president of the BMCE Foundation for Education and Environment, in recognition of the efforts of the foundation in education and teaching in Morocco.

Source: einnews
