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Spain’s typical energy cost

On Tuesday, April 4, the average price of electricity in Spain drops by eight per cent.

The average price of electricity for regulated rate customers linked to the wholesale market in Spain will fall by eight per cent on Tuesday, April 4, compared to today, Monday 3. Specifically, it will stand at €56.21/MWh.

According to the operator of the Iberian Energy Market (OMIE), in the auction, the cost of energy in the wholesale market – the so-called ‘pool’ – will stand at €56.21/MWh tomorrow.

Monday’s cheapest time will be between the hours of 4pm and 5pm, at €8/MWh, while the most expensive will be between 8pm and 9pm, at €106.10/MWh.

Compensation for gas companies of €0/MWh is added to this pool price for the 36th consecutive day. It must be paid by
consumers who are beneficiaries of the measure, consumers of the regulated tariff (PVPC), or those who, despite being on the free market, have an indexed rate.

Last Tuesday, March 28, the Council of Ministers approved the extension of the Iberian exception until December 31,
after the agreement was reached by Spain and Portugal with the European Commission. It is not excluded that the deal could be extended for a longer time if the said framework is also extended.

Source: euroweeklynews
